
Frequently asked questions

If you are looking for the meaning of life, or where you last put your keys, then this is the wrong place. If you are looking for answers to how we make our products, or if our products taste like meat on the other hand, you have definitely found the right place. This page answers the most frequently asked questions about PerfectSeason.

You can see a full list of our dealers right here.

Our range comprises Dill Cakes, Mushroom Patties, Beetroot Patties, Pea Fritters and Falafel Fantastico. If you want to know more about the individual products, just click here

None of the ingredients in our products contain gluten, and some are even certified to be gluten free. There may be traces of gluten in the products that are not certified.

YES! All our products are made exclusively from organic vegetables, pulses, herbs and spices, plain and simple, with no fuss.

No. In our products you will only find what you can read on the ingredients list. That is, nothing but organic vegetables, pulses and herbs.

For better or worse, most people have an opinion about our name. And that is just fine! We believe in good workmanship. We believe you achieve most by doing things properly. Purely from the point of view of language, we thought it was fun to combine the two concepts. But we promise, that name is the closest our products have ever been to a butcher.

There are lots of things these days that look like something they are not. Dried figs made to look like an octopus, a carrot made into soup, or chickpeas made into hummus. Our products do not pretend to be anything they are not, but instead they are designed to make it easy to understand how to use them. When you look at a product from PerfectSeason, there is no doubt about how you can use it. And naturally, we are pleased about that. It makes it easier for you to get a few more vegetables, or make a sustainable choice, or whatever other reason you may have for choosing us.

No. They taste of what they are made of. Organic vegetables, pulses and herbs.

You can eat Dill Cakes or Pea Fritters either hot or cold. Apart from Falafel Fantastico, which is baked in the oven, our products taste best if they are fried briefly in a pan to bring out the flavour.

No. All products from PerfectSeason are made from vegetables and pulses. Many plant-based products consist primarily of proteins from soya or peas, which does indeed mean they are plant based, but in fact they do not have a great deal to do with vegetables. It is possible to exploit protein from soya or peas to create a structure like meat, which is familiar from a great many meat substitutes. At PerfectSeason we

make food products from whole organic vegetables and pulses. That is why our products do not imitate meat either in texture or flavour.

Frequently asked questions

If you are looking for the meaning of life, or where you last put your keys, then this is the wrong place. If you are looking for answers to how we make our products, or if our products taste like meat on the other hand, you have definitely found the right place. This page answers the most frequently asked questions about PerfectSeason.

You can see a full list of our dealers right here.

Our range comprises Dill Cakes, Mushroom Patties, Beetroot Patties, Pea Fritters and Falafel Fantastico. If you want to know more about the individual products, just click here

None of the ingredients in our products contain gluten, and some are even certified to be gluten free. There may be traces of gluten in the products that are not certified.

YES! All our products are made exclusively from organic vegetables, pulses, herbs and spices, plain and simple, with no fuss.

No. In our products you will only find what you can read on the ingredients list. That is, nothing but organic vegetables, pulses and herbs.

For better or worse, most people have an opinion about our name. And that is just fine! We believe in good workmanship. We believe you achieve most by doing things properly. Purely from the point of view of language, we thought it was fun to combine the two concepts. But we promise, that name is the closest our products have ever been to a butcher.

There are lots of things these days that look like something they are not. Dried figs made to look like an octopus, a carrot made into soup, or chickpeas made into hummus. Our products do not pretend to be anything they are not, but instead they are designed to make it easy to understand how to use them. When you look at a product from PerfectSeason, there is no doubt about how you can use it. And naturally, we are pleased about that. It makes it easier for you to get a few more vegetables, or make a sustainable choice, or whatever other reason you may have for choosing us.

No. They taste of what they are made of. Organic vegetables, pulses and herbs.

You can eat Dill Cakes or Pea Fritters either hot or cold. Apart from Falafel Fantastico, which is baked in the oven, our products taste best if they are fried briefly in a pan to bring out the flavour.

No. All products from PerfectSeason are made from vegetables and pulses. Many plant-based products consist primarily of proteins from soya or peas, which does indeed mean they are plant based, but in fact they do not have a great deal to do with vegetables. It is possible to exploit protein from soya or peas to create a structure like meat, which is familiar from a great many meat substitutes. At PerfectSeason we

make food products from whole organic vegetables and pulses. That is why our products do not imitate meat either in texture or flavour.